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Brain Cancer Nutrition Therapy

Medical doctors have established the fact that brain cancer nutrition therapy is beneficial for those that suffer from mild to severe cases of brain cancer. Cancer is an illness that has the capability of depleting the body of essential vitamin, minerals, and other types of nutrients. When an individual undergoes brain cancer treatment, even more of those important nutrients are wiped out in the body.

Not only this, but the cancer patient often experiences issues when it comes to having an appetite. Individuals that have brain cancer are already quite vulnerable, but when poor nutrition is added to the mix, it could wreck devastation upon the health of the patient. In this guide, you will discover a new form of brain cancer therapy that focuses on nutrition.

Assessing Nutritional Needs

If you want to engage in a brain cancer nutrition therapy treatment plan, it is important to have your nutritional needs evaluated by a medical professional. There are many tests that may be performed so that the medical doctor may get a good snapshot of what nutritional needs you require.

One of the most common is the test that evaluates your blood. This test will validate whether or not your base figures are either low or high when it comes to protein and other nutrients in the blood. In addition to this, the medical professional will likely inquire about the health history that you have had. It is also common for them to ask questions about the way that you eat, immediately followed by an examination pertaining to your body mass index.

The Nutrition Therapy Plan

Once your doctor establishes your nutritional needs, they will determine which type of diet will work best for you. You will be encouraged to consume only those foods with provide you with the optimal health benefits. If you have brain cancer, this is typically always individualized for you.

In addition to encouraging you to consume only those foods that are positive to your overall health, the nutrition therapy plan will also include exercises that you will be safe performing during the course of your disease and the treatment of your disease. You may also be encouraged to take nutritional supplements. There are many supplements that have been found to benefit brain cancer patients in one way or another. These include Selenium, Vitamin E, and Beta Carotene.


If you are going to indulge in brain cancer nutrition therapy, it is important to know and understand that this is not just about changing your lifestyle; it is about modifying your behavior so that you may optimize your health. It is important to have a good support system in place.

This could be relatives, friends, neighbors, a community support group, clergy members, and even medical doctors. If you have a good support team in place, succeeding in brain cancer nutrition therapy will likely be both positive and productive for your health – both inside and outside.

Religion, Spirituality, Health and Women

Today’s woman plays many roles in her daily life. She is a mother, a wife, a caretaker, a business runner, a first aid giver and lots more. She is the one who organizes parties; she attends PTAs that most fathers miss, she runs a tight ship in the office. With her hands full 24×7 she manages to do exactly what she is supposed to do and what she wants to do. She multi tasks better than most billionaire CEOs. Amidst all this, where she is a superhero, she often tends to ignore her own health and personal well-being. Now a superhero can’t do much good when unhealthy.Women’s Health comprises of all health issues and problems that needs attention. From reproductive health to mental health to emotional health to giving you an insight on how to keep your bones healthy and your heart happy, to knowing your body better, you need to take care of all. Being total solutions machines, you need to care about each and every running part of that machine.One of the things that dramatically change women’s attitude towards their own health-care is the factor of religion and spirituality. Interestingly, most women seem to be following some sort of health regime -gluten-free, low crab, low sugar, high protein, vegan, or something else. In our endless march toward physical fitness, we try exercise, supplements, vitamin shakes, and nutritionist-endorsed meal plans. We pay too much attention to what we should eat and what we shouldn’t, little do we bother about what’s good or bad for our soul. There is a difference between managing your outward manners and managing your inward sentiments, and both affect one’s soul in ways more diverse and complex than one tends to understand.Recently, I began to understand more clearly how the said combination of health, religion and spirituality worked for women. I have found out that religion helps followers engage in healthier lifestyle practices on a general basis. All religions teach not to drink, smoke or engage in other unhealthy habits. People tend to drink less alcohol, smoke less, and have healthier habits overall. Spirituality gives a mirror for the soul. Spirituality helps followers examine their emotions and mindfully witness their own fleeting feelings. Ultimately it helps us have a calmer outlook, lower blood pressure, and a more even-hands on approach to dealing with life’s challenges.Religion and Spirituality offer a number of diverse paths for accessing the life’s concealed and unparalleled parts and redemption. Religion and spirituality work together to create individuals of healthier mind, body, and spirit. Indian culture contains a number of ancient texts of Vedas, Upanishads and others which give a detailed measure for women’s physical health, social conduct and family duties. The Atharva-Veda also contains a collection of spells and incantations for the practice of magic, contained references to disease, injuries, fertility, sanity, and health. Methods of diagnosis included few indirect rather mystified as well as rational approaches. Omens of various kinds such as the flight of birds, the sounds of nature, and many other observations were interpreted by the physician as clues to the severity of the illness. It could have had something to do with the changes in environment which brings about a great impact on the human behavior. Religious faith gave psychological stability. This ability to believe can be used by health psychologists in medical settings to help those who struggle with a disease or to promote a healthier lifestyle. In our much modern and tech savvy lifestyle what we ultimately need is a touch of religion and spirituality. One that not only provides us the how tos on life but also create a drive inside of us for a more enlightened and prosperous environment.

Stated Non Conforming Commercial Real Estate Mortgage

Conventional Conforming Commercial MortgagesAll borrowers want the best rates and lowest cost to finance their commercial mortgage property. Yet most borrowers do not qualify. With a Stated Non Conforming Commercial Mortgage many borrowers who otherwise could not qualify for financing are now able to.Conventional loans require tax returns for the past two to three years to verify income and expenses. They require bank statements for the last two to three months to source and season down payment and reserves. Conventional loans generally require higher credit scores and years of experience owning and managing similar commercial property types. And Conventional financing takes much longer to close.Stated Non Conforming Commercial MortgagesFor more lenient underwriting and quicker closing you may want to choose a Stated Commercial Mortgage. Though the rate may be higher many commercial real estate investors and small business owners will do better with this type of financing for many reasons.First the lender generally does not require tax returns. This helps the borrower to truly qualify based on the income generated by the property. If it is a good investment and the property can service the debt and meet the minimum debt service coverage ratios the loan qualifies.The Stated program does not require funds to be seasoned. They only require funds to be sourced. For conventional financing the funds must be seasoned for two to three months or longer. This requirement also helps many borrowers to qualify for the Non Conforming program.Many Conventional lenders require a 680 FICO score. Some even require 700 or higher. Not only do they require the high FICO they also require years of experience owning or managing a similar property type. For an agency loan (FNMA, FHLMC, FHA, etc.) You must have if you want to purchase and finance a 12 unit property having owned only 1-4 unit properties would not help you to qualify. They may require you to pay for an experienced property manager to get their loan.The average conventional commercial loans take 60 days to close. This is even longer for agency loans that can take 90 days or longer to fund. Yet, with the Stated Income program the loan closes in 2 to 4 weeks.But maybe the most important reason to do a stated non conforming commercial mortgage is because they may be too small. Many conventional lenders will not finance loans under $500,000 or maybe even $250,000. The agency lenders require their loans to be at least $1,000,000 to $2,000,000. The minimum loan for the Stated Income program is $50,000.There are many reasons to choose the Stated Non Conforming Commercial Real Estate Financing program. None of those reasons are because they offer better rates or terms than a conforming loan. Therefore, check with your conforming lender before choosing this program. If you work with a mortgage broker, they should know right off if you would qualify for the conforming program.